LLC Operating Agreement

An LLC Operating Agreement outlines the financial, legal, and working relationship policies and procedures among owners, members, and managers of your LLC.

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Limited Liability Company Agreement for

[Company Name],

A Limited Liability Company

I. Formation

A. State of Formation

[List the state where you formed the Limited Liability Operating Agreement (the "Agreement").]

B. Operating Agreement Controls

To the extent that the rights or obligations of the Members or the Company under provisions of this Operating Agreement differ from what they would be under [State] law absent such a provision, this Agreement, to the extent permitted under [State] law, shall control.

C. Primary Business Address

[List the address where the Company primarily does business.]

D. Registered Agent and Office

[List the name and address of the Company's registered agent (the "Agent").]

E. No State Law Partnership

No provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed or construed to constitute a partnership (including, without limitation, a limited partnership) or joint venture, or any Member a partner or joint venture of or with any other Member, for any purposes other than federal and state tax purposes.

II. Purposes and Powers

A. Purpose

[List the Company's business purpose.]

B. Duration

The Company's term shall commence upon the filing of the Articles of Organization and all other such necessary materials with the state of [State]. The company will operate until terminated as outlined in this agreement unless:

1. A majority of Members vote to dissolve the Company;

2. No Member of the Company exists, unless the business of the Company is continued in a manner permitted by [State] law;

3. It becomes unlawful for either the Members or the Company to continue in business;

4. A judicial decree is entered that dissolves the Company; or

5. Any other event results in the dissolution of the Company under federal or [State] law.

III. Members

A. Members

[List each Member's name and Membership Interest.]

B. Initial Contribution

[List the initial monetary contribution required for each Member.]

No member shall be entitled to interest on the Initial Contribution. Except as expressly provided by this Agreement, or as required by law, no Member shall have any right to demand or receive the return of an Initial Contribution.

C. Limited Liability of the Members

Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement or otherwise required by [State] law, no Member shall be liable for any acts, debts, liabilities, or obligations of the Company beyond their Initial Contributions. The Members shall look solely to the Company property for the return of their Initial Contribution, or value thereof, and if the Company property remaining after payment or discharge of the debts, liabilities, or obligations of the Company is insufficient to return such Initial Contributions, or value thereof, no Member shall have any recourse against any other Member except as expressly provided for by this Agreement.

D. Withdrawal or Death of a Member

[Explain that if an existing Member dies or withdraws by choice, the remaining Members may buy the original Member's Membership Interest. Include the timeframe and the purchase agreement requirements for completing this transaction.]

E. Creation or Substitution of New Members

Any Member may assign in whole or in part their Membership Interest, only after granting other Members the right of first refusal.

[Describe the details of transfer types that may occur, such as an entire transfer and a partial transfer.]

F. Member Voting

[Explain how much voting power each Member will have and discuss whether Members may vote in person or by proxy.]

G. Duties of the Members

[List basic Member requirements, such as:

H. Fiduciary Duties of the Members

I. Waiver of Partition

Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, to the fullest extent permitted by law, each Member hereby irrevocably waives any right or power that such Member might have to cause the Company or any of its assets to be partitioned, to cause the appointment of a receiver for all or any portion of the assets of the Company, to compel any sale of all or any portion of the assets of the Company pursuant to any applicable law, or to file a complaint or to institute any proceeding at law or in equity to cause the dissolution, liquidation, winding-up, or termination of the Company. No Member shall have any interest in any specific assets of the Company.

J. Compensation of Members

[Explain that Members may be compensated for certain tasks, such as attending a Company meeting.]

K. Members as Agents

[Clarify that all Members can serve as agents for the Company and may sign binding agreements.]

IV. Accounting and Distribution

A. Fiscal Year

[Clarify when the Company's fiscal year ends.]

B. Records

[Specify that all financial records will remain at the Company's main business address.]

C. Distributions

[Describe how often the Company intends to make distributions. Explain that the distribution percentage depends on the Member's Membership Interest.]

V. Tax Treatment Election

The Company has not filed with the Internal Revenue Service for treatment as a corporation. Instead, the Company will be taxed as a pass-through organization. The Members may elect for the Company to be treated as a C-Corporation or an S-Corporation at any time.

VI. Officers

VII. Dissolution

A. Limits on Dissolution

[Explain whether the Company has a perpetual existence. List any additional limits on dissolution of the Company.]

B. Winding Up

[Explain how and when the Company may wind up its affairs with the intention of dissolving the company.]

C. Distributions in Kind

[Explain how assets will be distributed and valued.]

D. Termination

[Specify that the Company may terminate when the assets have been distributed to Members and all liabilities have been satisfied.]

VIII. Exculpation and Indemnification

[Reiterate that Members are not individually liable for any debts or liabilities. Explain the level of indemnity that each Member enjoys.]

IX. Insurance

The Company shall have the power to purchase and maintain insurance, including insurance on behalf of any Covered Person against liability asserted against such person and incurred by such Covered Person in any such capacity, or arising out of such Covered Person's status as an agent of the Company, whether or not the Company would have the power to indemnify such person against such liability under the provisions of Article VIII or under applicable law.

X. Settling Disputes

[Explain how Members may settle disputes among one another and detail any required mediation process.]

XI. General Provisions

A. Notices

[Explain how the Company will produce communication and notices.]

B. Number of Days

[Clarify how the Company will determine business days.]

C. Severability

[Specify whether the provisions in this Agreement are separable.]

D. Amendment

[Explain whether amendments may apply to this Agreement.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Members have executed and agreed to this Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement, which shall be effective as of [Date]. Signature: ________________________ Signature: ________________________

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What Is a Multi-Member LLC Operating Agreement?

A multi-member LLC operating agreement is a legal business document that lays out the ownership and operation of a multi-member LLC. The agreement outlines the financial and working relationships between the members of the LLC and between the managers and the members of the LLC. A multi-member LLC operating agreement should be signed by all of the members of the LLC in front of a notary, and each member should be given a copy of the document. A copy of the signed multi-member LLC operating agreement should also be kept at the company's physical address.

Elements to Include in a Multi-Member LLC Operating Agreement