Its been many years since I first created this blog. It has remained true to Essbase and related information over those years. Hopefully it has answered questions and given you insight over those years. I will continue to provide my observations and comments on the ever changing world of EPM. Don't be surprised if the scope of the blog changes and brings in other Hyperion topics.
Recently, I was working on an Essbase 19c project and ran into an issue with MaxL that did not occur in any of my OAC instances. The issue was when I would submit a long running MaxL process, at different intervals I would get the following errors.
[Thu Mar 03 04:27:37 2016]Local////6280/Error(1040025)
Invalid platform [5]. An application protocol error might exist between server and client processes.
[Thu Mar 03 04:27:37 2016]Local////6280/Error(1040065)
Protocol mismatch may occur if a client other than an Essbase Client tries to access Essbase or if the packet is corrupted.
[Thu Mar 03 04:27:37 2016]Local////6280/Error(1013295)
Server Request Fails with error code [1040025]
These errors occurred around 2 , 6, or 8 minutes of my process. After working with Oracle support and development, it appears to be a bug. (Bug 30714391). What they tole me was
"There is a default 2 minute timeout in httpd and a 2 minute check for status happening in essnet, every time the two happen there is a chance that you will get a failure.
The longer the calc and or other operations take the more likely it is to get this protocol error."This will be fixed in new installs, but not in existing implementations (even through patches). However, the fix is relatively painless and I did it in less than 5 minutes. Here are the steps I followed (given by Oracle development)