Applying for a master’s degree program can be very competitive and involve several parts. Even when not required, we recommend sending a motivation letter for master’s program. This is a letter, similar to a cover letter for a job application, that tells the reader your qualifications and other reasons that you make a great candidate for their program.
Your motivation letter is a key part of your application package. It’s the first thing that the admissions committee will read, and it can be what they’ll base their decision on. Your motivation letter should give a strong impression of who you are and how your background, skills, experiences, and goals will benefit the program. It also demonstrates a level of commitment and research because you took the time to write a strong, relevant motivation letter for the master’s program.
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To prepare to write your motivation letter, you want to understand the program, its requirements, and the course of study. You aim to show that you will be a great addition to their program.
Review the requirements for the program and the course of study. List the traits and qualifications required and preferred for the program. You can include any common traits amongst current and past students if you can find any on places like LinkedIn, newsletters, or more. One sure thing is that you will need to write and research in a particular area.
Often, a master’s program will require that you write a thesis on a topic related to your course of study. The admissions committee will be looking to see if they think you can successfully do this and other projects in the program. They will want to see evidence of diligence, commitment, and quality work.
Once you have that list, make a new list (you can use two columns on a piece of paper or spreadsheet if you want) of any accomplishments that satisfy the requirements for the program. These can be great additions if you have any large research projects, papers, or similar. They don’t necessarily need to be in school. They could be at your job, in volunteer activities, or anywhere else. It can be especially powerful if you can show that your project was able to drive some position change. “I completed a study of how we staff our engineering department and was able to reduce headcount by 10% while also reducing absenteeism by 15% by changing the scheduling model that we used. We saw employee satisfaction go up considerably in the same time period, even with less headcount.” These may not be directly related to the course of study. They should that you can finish a big project and appreciate its results.
Similarly, if you have other work that relates to the course of study, or a story about why you care about that course of study that can be impressive too. “I was volunteering in my town restoring old ships. It was then that I realized that each of these ships had a fascinating story of their own. I quickly realized that I was passionate and interested in 18th-century colonial history and its impacts on our society today.” These don’t show accomplishment but show that you care about the subject.
Of course, things like grades or marks and your course of study can be interesting and good information. However, remember that they will get this from your school records. It can be much more impactful to tell them why this matters and how this makes you a powerful candidate for their program. You want to stand out and show why you are better than someone else who is applying.
We are going to use this next part to help us with the next part.
Now that we have our list of accomplishments and qualifications, we can get to work writing. We recommend a simple three-part structure. We will present those three parts in the order they will be in your letter. Sometimes, writers find that starting with the body helps, and then they go back and write the introduction and conclusion. The body is the hardest part, at least normally, so you can reward yourself with the easier parts afterward.
The introduction is a simple paragraph, usually only a few sentences. You want to introduce yourself, including the program, and why you’re writing. You also want to include one or two sentences about why you make a great candidate. You don’t need any more than that.
The body of your motivation letter does most of the work. You will use your previous work and write 1-3 paragraphs about why you are a great candidate. In an ideal letter, you include a story or impressive accomplishments that show that you are ready to do the work and research necessary to complete the program.
It can also be very powerful to show why you are passionate about the school, the program, or the course of study. This shows that you are more likely to work hard and contribute to the program.
The last strategy that can be effective is to include a story about how this program can contribute to a bright future. You can talk about goals that you have and are passionate about and how this program can make them happen.
The school is looking to see that you can do the work they need, contribute to the field of study, and reflect well on the program. You want to write about passions, goals, or accomplishments that demonstrate this.
Closeout your letter by thanking them for their time. You can express how excited you are about the opportunity and that you are available to discuss your candidacy. You can include your email and phone number to make it easy to contact them.
Sounds easy, right? No, it’s not, but it can be very effective. People like to be inspired. Ideally, your motivation letter will inspire them while showing your passion, commitment, and capability. That will help an admissions officer to want to accept you.
Before we wrap things up, it’s worth mentioning a few things that candidates sometimes do that we see as mistakes or opportunities to improve. The good news is that most of them are simple and obvious, but not everyone does them. Doing this well is one more way you can shine in your motivation letter for your master’s program.
As you read through these, one big thing to keep in mind. Your motivation letter aims to show the admissions committees and officers that you are capable of and committed to doing the work necessary to complete your graduate education. Nothing destroys that impression faster than sloppy work.
The good news is that most of these are very easy to avoid, but please review this list before sending your letter.
These recommendations are designed to help you write your motivation letter for your master’s degree application. You may need some more assistance. Here are a few resources that can help.
We offer an editable version of our sample motivation letter for a master’s degree program. It allows you to easily and affordably get started on your motivation letter. You can find that template here.
If you need more help, you might want to hire someone to help you write your motivation letter. We have found Fiverr to be a great resource for finding expertise to help you. There is a lot of great experience to help you write a stellar motivation letter. If finding help is overwhelming, here are some articles on getting the most out of Fiverr.
Another great tool for improving your writing is Grammarly. Grammarly provides not just spell-checking but recommendations to improve and clarify your phrasing, avoid using the wrong word, and getting the tone of your writing right. Grammarly is a great resource for improving your writing.
We’re including a sample letter to help give you the format and layout of your letter. Please use this as a guide but do not send it. Each of us has our own story and why we would make a great candidate for something we are applying for. This isn’t your story and won’t help you get in. Please do the work to write your letter, but feel free to use this as a guide. We want you to get admitted but with your story.
Good luck with your studies. We would love to hear how it goes.